CRC 1375 NOA Best Student Paper Award

Congratulations to Quyet Ngo, how was awarded the Best Student Paper Award of the 2021 Meeting of the CRC 1375 NOA.


Quyet Ngo with NOA Best Paper certificate
Quyet Ngo with NOA Best Paper certificate
Image: F. Eilenberger, IAP Uni Jena

Congratulations to Quyet Ngo, how was awarded the Best Student Paper Award of the 2021 Meeting of the CRC 1375 NOA. His "Scalable Functionalization of Optical Fibers Using Atomically Thin Semiconductors"External link shows, that semiconducting 2D-Materials can be integrated into microstructured optical fibers in a scalable process. This opens the path towards new applications in quantum enhanced sensing and nonlinear optics.

Go, Qyuet!

But also: thanks to the entire multidisciplinary team for the support. The paper and the ongoing research is made possible by contributions from the FSU, the Fraunhofer IOF, the Leibniz IPHT, the University of Sydney, the University of Adelaide and the Max Planck School of Photonics.

The work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - German Research Foundation (SFB/CRC 1375 NOA), BMBF (NanoScopeFutur2D Research Group) and the Thüringer Aufbaubank (2DSENS Research Group).